The Standards and Best Practices portfolio contains all community standards endorsed by the INCF using the criteria developed by the INCF Standards and Best Practices Committee, as well as community standards in the process of being endorsed.
The purpose of this portfolio is to provide the community with an index of robust, well-validated standards and best practices that adhere and support the FAIR principles. The portfolio provides the community with descriptions of appropriate use cases, links to tools/infrastructures, and tutorials for each standard and best practice indexed. Users can search the portfolio by data type, format, or subdomain of neuroscience. By offering this service, we hope to increase the discoverability and use of standards and best practices that support open and FAIR neuroscience.
The Five Recommendations for FAIR Software aim to encourage the greater adoption of FAIR principles by providing a set of starting recommendations that researchers can use to improve the quality, reach, and reproducibility of their software.The… Read more
The Essential Metadata for 3D BRAIN Microscopy metadata standard (now referred to as 3D Microscopy Metadata Standards or 3D-MMS) helps ensure that a 3D microscopy dataset is sufficiently described to support its re-use by… Read more