Endorsed on:
Re-endorsed on:
Review comments:
NeuroML is a simulator-independent, XML-based standardized model description language for computational neuroscience that provides a common data format for defining and exchanging descriptions of neuronal cell and network models. NeuroML focuses on models which are based on the biophysical and anatomical properties of real neurons, i.e. which include details of the detailed neuronal morphologies, the membrane conductances which underlie action potential generation and which are based on known anatomical connectivity. Learn more: http://www.neuroml.orgLinks
TrainingSpace lectures Publications NeuroML webpageSimilar standards
PyNN , SpineML, NineML
Supporting software
APIs to read, edit, and write NeuroML
NeuroML compliant tools, libraries, and databases
Applications and libraries supported by the NeuroML developers: https://www.neuroml.org/tool_support
The NeuroML project on SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/neuroml/
Additional URL
Usage scenario
Models of cells with complex ionic conductances
Models that features multicompartmental cell models
Models that have a relevant 3D structure/cell distribution
NeuroML and PyNN are both standards endorsed by INCF, and the only two recommended and supported formats for sharing models on the Open Source Brain repository. This document describes some of the similarities and differences between them, and gives examples of instances when one might prefer to use one vs. the other.