This working group will turn the COBIDAS recommendations and guidelines into a series of checklists hosted on a website, to let users report information faster and with more detail.
The machine-readable output can form the foundation of a Methods section. This will enhance adoption and use of emerging neuroimaging standards such as BIDS and fMRIprep, facilitate data sharing and pre-registration, and help with peer-review.
The groups envisions that using checklists to report methods and results can:
- Provide comprehensive human and machine readable descriptions of the data collection and analysis pipelines to reduce inefficiencies and frictions in reuse
- Facilitate the creation and preparation of pre-registration and registered reports, and help users think about and create pipelines before they start collecting data
- Help make peer-review more objective: by supplying an app to check pipelines
- Facilitate systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses
- Facilitate data sharing
The implementation of this project should remain flexible enough to accommodate the inclusion of new items in the checklist as new methods mature, and reusable to enable easily setting up a checklist website for a different field.