INCF Working Group on Neuroimaging Quality Control
Pradeep Raamana, Baycrest
Stephen Strother, Baycrest
Join this working group
This Working Group develops standards and best practices for quality control (QC) of neuroimaging data, including standardized protocols, easy to use tools and comprehensive manuals. Assessing the quality of neuroimaging data requires human visual inspection. Given the complex nature, diverse presentations, and three-dimensional anatomy of image volumes, this requires inspection in all the three planes and multiple cross-sections through each volume. Often, looking at raw data is not sufficient, but statistical measurements (e.g. across space or time) can greatly assist in identifying the artefacts or rating their severity. For proper QC, multiple types of visualizations and metrics often need to be taken into account, which is time-consuming and subjected to large variabilities.With sample sizes and number of modalities both increasing, there is a great need for developing appropriate QC annotation protocols and corresponding assistive tools.
Discussion forum on Google Groups, meetings at relevant conferences.
Stephen Strother, Baycrest
Pradeep Reddy Raamana, Baycrest
David Kennedy, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Pierre Bellec. University of Montreal
Sebastian Urchs, McGill University
Elizabeth Dupre, MNI McGill University
Taylor Salo, Florida International University
Katie Bottenhorn, Florida International University
Erin Dickie, University of Toronto
Yang Ding, McGill University
Steve Hodges, Microsoft
Julie Bates, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Dawn Smith, CAMH
Greg Kiar, McGill University
Basile Pinsard, University of Montreal
The Working Group aims to develop a comprehensive manual for quality control of neuroimaging data, to develop guidelines and best practices for conducting and reporting QC, to publish protocols for different use cases, and to develop easy to use tools implementing those guidelines and protocols, integrating manuals and educational components when possible.
- Manual for QC of neuroimaging data (expected)
- Protocols of QC use cases (expected)
- QC tools (expected)