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The University of Oslo


The University of Oslo (UiO) was founded in 1811 as the first university in Norway. Today, UiO is the highest ranked university in the country, and Norway’s second largest university with 8 faculties, 10 Norwegian Centers of Excellence, 2 museums, 28 000 students, 7 000 employees and 8,4 billion NOK in total budget (2020). UiO’s EU research project portfolio is extensive with over 100 projects funded by Horizon 2020. UiO also ranks as 25th in Europe based on its number of ERC grant-holders.

UiO takes part in the INCF-project through the Neural Systems laboratory at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences (IMB), Faculty of Medicine. The institute has a broad research scope spanning from biological processes at the nucleic acid level, to whole organisms and human behavior. IMB is also a central partner in the EU-funded Human Brain Project, which is building – a groundbreaking research infrastructure for neuroscience, brain inspired technologies and clinical practice. The Neural Systems laboratory will coordinate both the Norwegian Neuroinformatics (INCF) Node and the Norwegian EBRAINS Node, thereby bringing together extensive expertise in data management, data curation and brain atlasing.
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