We are trying to solve the difficulty of collaboration among multiple users working on large datasets, particularly in analyzing datasets with many parameters and essential features that need to be filtered, measured, and analyzed. The solution is AnalySim, a data-sharing platform that simplifies collaboration by providing easy sharing, analysis, visualization, and collaboration capabilities on datasets. The first deliverable is the ability to embed Jupyter notebooks, Observable HQ notebooks, and Google Colab notebooks on the website using an interactive panel. The second deliverable is an interactive panel or interface that displays a dataset's different types of features, including minimum, maximum, mean, number of non-zero, and the number of invalid values. The interface should show other visualization options like histograms, pie charts, multi-series line charts, pie charts, graphs, and visualizations representing data with more than two dimensions, e.g., 3D Scatter plots, 3D Mesh Plots, 3D line plots, box plots, and bubble charts. The third deliverable is the ability for users to add publications related to the datasets in a project. We will achieve this by creating a text editor page where users can add content, edit content, remove content, add tables, and add images. The text editor should allow users to add latex code so that users can publish mathematical analyses of the findings. We will also implement a page that gets the list of publications, which should contain clickable items that redirect to another page that details the publication. Finally, we will refactor some of the code to maintain a better project structure, encapsulate numerous fragments of the same code in another method to improve the readability of the code and remove deprecated methods.