Countries in Asia Pacific face a major societal burden due to decline in mental abilities and health of the rapidly aging population. The technology solutions to this challenge will come from the intersection of aging neuroscience, cognitive engineering and information sciences. We call this field neuroinformatics for aging, where the management and analysis of data will be combined with neurorobotics, neuropsychology, clinical neurology and social neuroscience to delay the decline or improve the mental abilities among the aging. The Working Group hosts a scientific symposium, an annual meeting between neuroscientists, neuroinformaticians, roboticists, neuropsychiatrists, neurologists and neurosurgeons. Forging international collaborations will be the primary goal at these meetings, as the means to (1) find and match expertise to project needs of each member group/country (2) promote the dissemination of tools, analysis techniques and knowledge of neuroinformatics (3) raise the visibility of neuroinformatics to researchers and clinicians from each member country through important use-cases in aging.