Call for Community Feedback on Candidate Standards and Best Practices for INCF Endorsement
INCF provides a community platform for promoting and supporting efforts to move global neuroscience towards FAIR through the creation and, more importantly, the adoption of standards and best practices(SBP) for how different types of data should be acquired, organized and published. Towards this end, INCF has adopted a formal procedure, based on those used by national and international standards bodies like the W3C , to allow the global neuroscience community to review and endorse SBPs for neuroscience.
The process calls for nominations of SBPs by the community, an internal review by the SBP according to the criteria, a 60 day period for open community discussion and finally a vote for endorsement by the SBP committee. Endorsed SBPs will be able to display the INCF endorsement logo, will be listed on the INCF website and incorporated into INCF training programs.
Please find below the current SBPs that are open for community review.