The Neuroinfo mailing list is hosted and run by INCF to support community interaction within and across all neuroscience fields where data are generated and analyzed; such as experimental neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, neuropsychology, bioinformatics with a neuroscience component, modeling at all levels of abstraction, supercomputing infrastructure and data science.
Community members are welcome to use this list to announce job openings, conferences and courses.
General rules:
Please sign up before posting - only list members are allowed to post
Postings should be in plain text without attachments, but please provide links to event pages, job postings, etc.
Please keep postings short. If your intended post is very long, it would be preferable to post a short version with e.g. an URL or contact email for more information.
Postings should be of general interest and related to neuroinformatics (defined broadly, including all areas related to analysis of neuroscience data; such as experimental neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, neuropsychology, bioinformatics with a neuroscience component, modeling at all levels of abstraction, supercomputing infrastructure and data science.)
Specific subject rules:
Meeting announcements may be posted twice; once to send out a call for papers, and once to remind non-authors about the registration deadline.
Announcements of job openings in academia and industry are welcome. Please repost only if there are significant changes, such as the original application deadline being extended.
Announcements of new or majorly updated software, databases, web portals etc are welcome, once per release or major update.
Discussions are welcome as long as they are of general interest and kept in a constructive tone and format. Individual responses and requests should as a rule be directed to individual recipients, off-list.