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INCF Short Course: Introduction to Neuroinformatics 2023

3 August 2023

The emergence of data-intensive science creates a demand for neuroscience educators worldwide to deliver better neuroinformatics education and training in order to raise a generation of modern neuroscientists with FAIR capabilities, awareness of the value of standards and best practices, knowledge in dealing with big datasets, and the ability to integrate knowledge over multiple scales and methods. To be able to deal with neuroscience questions efficiently, the neuroscientists of tomorrow will require dual experience in bench sciences and in computational and data sciences. Attracting and training this new generation of neuroscientists will be of critical importance to the future of the field.

INCF and its Training and Education Council is arranging another instance of the Introductory Course in Neuroinformatics, this time on location at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, on October 2-4 2023. The course will teach neuroscientists and researchers from related fields about neuroinformatics: the science and engineering of brain data. The topics covered will range from theoretical background  to methodological innovations in the field and their applications, as well as socio-technical issues related to data sharing, applications of neuroinformatics to clinical questions, and compliance with sharing mandates.

The course fee is 80 USD with a 50% discount for INCF members. Applications are due September 18. 

More information about the course